The Most Important Meal of the Day

According to a study conducted by the University of Iowa, Cardiovascular Disease could be a result of a regularly skipped breakfast. Not only did the study reveal a link between forgoing breakfast and cardiovascular disease but it also revealed an increased risk for cardiovascular disease related mortality as well. 

As it turns out, skipping breakfast can not only increase the chances of cardiovascular related death but, stroke related deaths as well.The main factors taken into account were among age, race, gender, diet, lifestyle, and Body mass index (BMI). The findings revealed that 87% of those who regularly skipped breakfast were at greater risk for cardiovascular related mortalities than compared to those who ate breakfast daily.

Doctor Wei Bao of the University of Iowa states that breakfast is in fact one of the most beneficial meals of the day, despite the lack of existent data to support this idea. There are however other studies that support the idea that other cardiovascular risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, and lipid disorders are also linked to skipping breakfast.


Another Study

Another older study displayed data from over 6,500 individuals ranged from ages 40-75. The report recorded how often each participant ate breakfast between the years of 1988-1994.This study was conducted by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and also examined the link between skipping breakfast and increased mortality. During the participant follow up period of 18 years, approx. 2300 deaths occurred which included 619 deaths related to cardiovascular disease.

Within the 6,500 participants only 5.1% reported skipping breakfast; 10.9% would rarely eat breakfast; 25% would eat breakfast sometimes; and 59% would eat breakfast everyday. The participants who skipped breakfast always displayed a higher risk for heart related death as well as stroke. Frequent breakfast skippers also displayed higher weight gain, obesity, higher levels of cholesterol, higher blood pressure, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes.

Eating a balanced breakfast daily could lower your chances of developing cardiovascular disease as well as help deter obesity and strokes.

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