Experts are now saying that many natural resources can help fight against cancer. Almost 9 million people all over the world will die from cancer and nearly twice as many people that have cancer are needing safe and effective treatments that can help them to fight against it.

There are over 50 different plants and herbs found in Saudi Arabia that have been examined and used by researchers at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology to see whether or not they are able to help fight against cancer. So far only 3 types of herbs and plants were found to have anti-cancer properties in them.

In Saudi Arabia they have been using traditional herbal medicine for many years. They trust and rely on the information that has been handed down to them from the past generations rather than from studies. Because of this researchers have been testing out herbs like Anastatica hierochuntica, Citrullus colocynthis, and Juniperus phoenicea. All three of these herbs showed potent anti-cancer components. Testing these herbs properly in clinical trials will allow researchers to study just how this process works.

Anastatic hierochuntica is also known as the rose of Jericho and is commonly used among the Arabian culture in herbal tea.

Citrullus colocynthis is known as Hanzal or the bitter cucumer of the desert. It is a desert vine  the is used for medicinal purposes to fight against viruses, diabetes, swelling and malaria.

Juniperus phoenicea is also known as Arar and it’s a small conical shrub. The essential oils from  this shrub are used to help treat bladder problems, inflammation, and urinary infections.

There are still many plants and herbs that are growing across the globe today that are being discovered. The potential is out there and is unexplored. Besides Saudi Arabia being one of the most potential sources of where these plants are found there are still places like the Amazon rainforest to discover. On average there are 3 unknown organisms that are found a day.

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