Waiting to purchase Long Term Care insurance could put you at risk for qualifying. The older you get does play a role in whether or not you have a better chance of getting approved.

The best age to start applying for Long Term Care insurance is around the age of 50. Acting sooner rather than later plays a very important part in the approval process. If you wait to purchase Long Term Care insurance until you need it the possibility of it being too late could already be too high. One of the biggest reasons people get denied for Long Term Care Insurance is poor health conditions and older age.

Premiums will increase with age and if your overall health is no longer in good conditions you might not even qualify. According to a recent study by the American Association for Long Term Care Insurance over 40% of people over the age of 70 will get denied because of their health conditions. Insurance agents say that unhealthy applicants to Long Term Care insurance are not typically qualified.

It’s important to do your research before moving too quickly into Long Term Care insurance as well as not waiting or putting it off until it’s too late.