With facing a “cognitive decline” or early signs of Dementia it can be a slow process, but effects everyone in the family. Early signs of Dementia can begin many years before. The challenges that come along with Dementia can be overwhelming but there are some tips and advice on how to bring the family together with a loved one suffering from this disease.

When it comes to family functions, get togethers, and events it can be challenging for a loved one suffering from early signs of Dementia to participate the way that they use to. Here are Four tips for Family Gatherings by Carolyn Rosenblatt: 

  1. Keep it simple: It’s important to remember that everything that has been done prior years does not have to be done this year. Change with a loved one that has a cognitive decline is inevitable. If you are able to take over some traditions that your loved one did years prior then do so. But there is no need to stress out yourself or loved one if it cannot be pulled off. Less is more here and your loved one should be taking it easy.
  2. No demands: It’s important to offer limited choices and not overwhelm your loved one. They might be having a hard time remembering how to do something that they have done their whole life. This can lead to stress and aggressive behavior if they are feeling pressured. Too many choices and options can be overwhelming so keep it limited.
  3. Offer to help: If your parent or loved one is struggling offer to help them in a respectful manner. Letting them know that you are there to help when they are having a hard time can be comforting. Also remember that if they refuse your help you have to allow the refusal to happen.
  4. Avoid conflict: Do not argue about your loved one or aging parent in front of them. This can lead to tremendous stress and grief. Accomadate your loved one and make them feel secure and safe.