A Doctor’s Role

Doctors have dedicated the majority of their time and entire careers to helping others feel better. When you are sick whether it be severe or mild, your doctor can oftentimes help and/or point you in the right direction. Your doctor can also help offer medication and treatment routes to help you manage and diagnose many chronic illnesses. Problems big or small, doctors are specialized in helping you feel better however, did you know that you can help them too?

That’s right you can help make your doctors job a little easier by taking care of yourself in your everyday habits. This looks like listening to your body and eliminating habits that are not conducive to your health. In doing so you can eliminate many negative health issues that can result in multiple visits to your doctors office. This can also serve to remedy symptoms from many of your diagnosed chronic illnesses and or prevent them in the first place. Taking care of yourself daily can help your routine checkups go more smoothly and keep you out of the doctor office (aside from your routine visits).

Often times we only pay attention to the symptoms or problems we can most physically see. For example, if your have an obvious lesion on your hand you will likely tend to it or seek medical attention however, consistent fatigue, nausea, or moodiness may go unaddressed. The reason for this is likely that you don’t see the direct consequences and often time will attribute it to other causes. The truth is any persistent negative symptom should be addressed as they can lead to bigger problems that land you in the doctor’s office down the road. The solution?

Listen to your body

Our bodies are spectacular in the sense that they perform countless tasks and function which keep us alive every single day! What we fail to realize is that many of our habits + external factors can sometimes suppress our bodies and keep them from functioning as intended. Many times these problems can be resolved without medication. This can often times happen through diet, sleep, stress, exercise and other factors however, it is more complex than we may think. Perhaps we eat “healthy” but don’t realize that many of the ingredients and additives we consume daily have been causing us routine digestive upset. Perhaps, we are often moody but don’t realize it is simple lack of sleep that is the culprit here. Not to mention not only can too little exercise be linked to health issues but even over exercising could be the culprit behind the constant inflammation in your body. You could also be missing out on many vital minerals and supplements not present in the foods you currently consume. This can lead to your hormone health, mental health, stress, immune system and overall health to decline. What can you do? Listen to your body more by asking the following:

  • Are my headaches frequent?
  • Does my stomach hurt often?
  • Am I often fatigued?
  •  Am I often anxious?
  • Am I often irritable ?
  • Do I have consistent rashes?
  • Do I have more and more food intolerances?

They key to taking better care of yourself is identifying constant triggers or negative symptoms and investigating whether or not adjusting your everyday habits can help eliminate many of these symptoms. For some that looks like better sleep,more or less exercise, stress management tools, diet changes, and or supplement support. Many of these changes are small but can make big differences.

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