Procrastinating, we all do it

We have all been guilty of procrastination at least a time or two. Perhaps, you procrastinate on completing certain work tasks, household chores, or even more serious matters like planning for your future. Many times it can seem easier to put off uncomfortable conversations, start the gym next month, or start planning for your long-term care next year. So what is typically the outcome to our self inflicted procrastination? Well the outcomes are usually never positive.


The longer we put off tasks and events the more stressed out and unprepared we begin to feel. We may miss deadlines, produce poor quality work, or have to readjust our life plans. You are not alone, as countless Americans admit to being afflicted by constant procrastination. Many of those aged 50 and over also admitted to putting off planning for their long-term care for several years now. So why do we procrastinate? The reasons for procrastination range from lack of urgency, fear of failure, and simply not knowing where to get started. When it comes to putting off planning  for long- term care not knowing when and where do get started is usually the culprit. Another common reason behind putting this this type of future planning off is “not having enough time” or the alternative, feeling like there’s “plenty of time” before you actually need to start planning for it. If you find yourself guilty of procrastination and are ready to stop procrastinating on your long-term care planning  along with many other things read on. Although procrastinating may be a long time habit of yours, it does not have to stay that way. There are may reasons and ways to put an end to procrastinating tendencies

Not enough time

The long heard ” I simply don’t have enough hours in the day” excuse , it’s an easy excuse and often times a valid one. Between work and family time it can be increasingly difficult to set aside time  for planning for your long term care however, it is possible and heres how. Decide to make planning for your future long-term care a top priority and you will find that you will suddenly find ways to make time. Start small. Set aside 20 minutes a day to begin researching your long-term care then slowly progress towards more action plans. Another option is to utilize downtime spent on less important past times such as tv, phone, and napping. If you have more time at home than usual, use that time wisely and knock some things off of your to-do list. Begin your own research on long-term care or reach out to a licensed agent to help guide and keep you accountable.

Too much time

Many individuals stated they keep putting off planning for their long term care due to feeling that the need for long-term care was many years away for them still. While it is mainly true that your need for long term care may still be years away it is also true that your need to plan for that future care is most important now. If you have began your research you will find the costs associated with long term care are increasingly therefore, financial planning for those future events needs to start now. If you plan to purchase long-term care insurance to help fund any of these needs you also want to start sooner than later. Obtaining long-term care insurance often times involved a health underwriting exam that will help determine if you are accepted for coverage and also your premium rates. More favorable rate classes are assigned to those in better health and those with better help end up with a lower premium. The older you get the more likely you health is to deteriorate and therefore, these underwriters will begin to view you as more of a health risk thus, reducing your chances of approval and a lower premium. These are all good reasons to stop procrastinating and begin planning for your future long-term care now.

If you or someone you love is interested in Long Term Care or Long Term Care Insurance be sure to visit: LTC TREE for more information.