Holiday visits

Many long-term care facilities are deciding upon appropriate ways to navigate safety protocols related to Covid-19 and visitations as the holidays quickly approach. When the virus first hit, many cities along with most long-term care facilities within the U.S, reacted swiftly with strict visitation guidelines in an effort to minimize contagion. Seeing as how the elderly as well as those with pre-existing conditions were quickly identified as high risk individuals, long term care facilities felt the response was necessary. Many banned all outside visits from friends and family and some even went as far as to have all residents quarantine within their rooms for several weeks. As of recently, many facilities have relaxed their visitation guidelines to allow visits from certain family however, they are now faced with the question of how they will handle the upcoming holiday visits.

Gathering safely

The holidays are a time where most families wish to gather and that most certainly includes their elderly loved ones as well. Many families make it a priority to visit with their loved ones within facilities and some even have their residents checked out to stay with them. This time is often very beneficial to these families and especially to the residents who can otherwise feel lonely during these times. The concern enters when it comes to those fearing that this may allow for more possible cases of Covid within these facilities as members leave and/or families enter. Residents and families want to ensure these facilities remain a safe place amidst this pandemic however, both also want for residents to enjoy the company of their loved ones. As it sounds, each facility will handle their upcoming guidelines differently with some allowing all visitors and others placing restrictions. However, it seems all are making a joint effort to consider the health and safety of all this holiday season. New testing and protocols have also given many facilities much more confidence as they navigate these matters this holiday season.

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