The process of aging is inevitable for everyone and there is not much we can do to stop it. Slowing down the process and maintaining our overall health is something that we can do to control it. Not only is our physical health important but our mental health is something that we should keep strong and sharp as well.

There are a few suggestions that many doctors would recommend to help maintain your health as you age. The first suggestion would be your diet. Eating well helps us to maintain a healthy heart and weight. Studies show that the foods that we eat either have a negative or positive affect on our bodies. The elderly population today is suffering from malnutrition and because they have not taken care of their diet they have high blood pressure, heart issues, and weight problems. As far as a healthy diet goes it’s been proven that the Mediterranean diet helps the process of aging. It focuses on protein, fruits, whole grains, and healthy fats.

The next suggestion to maintain your health is by taking supplements. The older we get we lose many crucial micronutrients that keep our bodies healthy and working properly. Our bones will also become brittle and weaken the older we get. Drink plenty of water daily and make sure your are fueling your body with the right supplements it needs.

As we work on our diet and make sure to take the right supplements we should keep in mind that exercising is key to staying healthy and living longer. Going for a walk for 30 minutes, light weighted exercises, yoga, or even swimming can have massive impacts on your health and well being. Just keep moving and stay active. Studies have shown that the more active you are the better chance you have at a longer life and fighting off diseases like Dementia, Alzheimer’s, depression and anxiety and arthritis.

Finally don’t forget to rest! During the night try and get as much sleep as possible and stay on routine. This will help improve your concentration, helps refreshen your immune system, and helps your memory as well. Staying on top of these suggestions could help you live longer and maintain a healthy lifestyle as you age.

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