Life is full of endless opportunities and experiences but atlas all our days on this earth are in fact numbered. Some will live longer than others, some may have a general idea of how long they have to live, while most will go unknowingly. Regardless of our time on earth, most of us want to ensure that we make the “most” of our stay and that our life choices are ones we will reflect upon with little to no regrets. As you have likely gathered, it appears the more years we live out, the more experiences and life lessons we have also accumulated, this is why our elders seems to be great pillars of wisdom and advice. Compiled below are a list of senior’s most common life regrets so that we may agree or possibly even do them differently throughout our own lives.

1. Not Carefully selecting your spouse

Many seniors agreed choosing a life partner is one of the most important decisions we as human individuals will make. This is why seniors advise you do not make this decision hastily, but instead take time to ensure you and this person are not only “in love” but truly compatible. If you’re lucky you will come to spend many long years with this life partner and it can either be enjoyable or quite complicated depending on your selection.

2. Not resolving family estrangement

As we all know, there is typically few who know you better than family, this also gives family the ability to get under your skin like no one else can. Many of us have had small to very serious arguments with our siblings, parents, you name it! Some us have even decided to avoid or stop speaking to said family member all together. Many seniors stated that the arguments that seemed just enough to end a relationship over at age 18 or 40 become minuscule once you reach age 80. This is why they would advise you practice forgiveness and reconciliation over a family estrangement.

3. Worrying too much

As you are probably aware we humans tend to worry about just about anything under the sun whether it be under our control or not. Many seniors reflected that they felt they wastes way too much time worrying about things that in the end mattered little. They claimed you will one day want back the hours and weeks you once spent worrying and wish you had filled them with something else.Their advice: don’t stress over things you cannot change.

4. Too little travel

Traveling is great because it allows one to unwind and often time experience something new and exciting! it can often help you grow as an individual however, given how tulmeltious our daily schedules can be most tend to put off traveling. Countless seniors exclaimed they wished they traveled more while their health was still in full tact. Best advice: take time off work, bring the kids, book that trip.

5. Not making healthier choices

Many seniors recounted living their lives eating unhealthy, smoking, or picking up other bad habits. They recalled thinking that although negative on their health these things brought them joy therefore, they were fair trade offs for the years off their life. They stated that the regret was not a shorter life but instead realizing that these days these things wont kill you, you will still live just as long but with painful and chronic disease. This is why they recommend you prioritize your health now so that you won’t be miserable later.

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