October PSA

Each year more than 230,000 women will be informed they have breast cancer and more than 40,000 will lose their live’s to it. Although most common in women following menopause, breast cancer does not discriminate. October is breast cancer awareness month however, it is important that we always remain vigilant in detecting this ravishing disease. If you are a woman over 40 it is recommended you see your doctor for a routine mammogram at least once a year, with a higher frequency suggested for those who have a family history of breast cancer. Aside from this, one should perform regular at home self breast examinations to check for any unusual pain, lumps, and textures in breast tissue, as these are usually early detection signs for the disease. The median age for breast cancer is age 62 and this age is projected to rise with time, putting the elderly at an increased rate for breast cancer. It is especially important to note that older individuals may face more adverse side effects from treatment however, there are many excellent research and treatment centers which can help you aggressively combat the disease.

Schedule Your Exam

If you are over the age of 40 and have not yet, be sure to take some time this month to schedule a breast examination. If you or someone you know has been afflicted by breast cancer and you wish to help their cause, you may also consider donating your time or contributions to organizations also dedicated to the cause. You may also consider signing up for a walk or simply being more conscious of your own health to help honor a loved one who has battled against breast cancer.

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