State Re-Openings

As some states prepare to re-open as soon as this Friday, it is important that vulnerable populations such as the elderly continue to practice safe social distancing guidelines. Currently more than 97% of the United Sates is under a shelter-in-place mandate, in an effort to slow down the rapid spread of Covid-19. Still many businesses and local residents are eager to return to work and resume life as usual. Just recently and following new guidance from the White House, the intentions to begin slowly re-opening some states are underway and Georgia, Texas, South Carolina, and Florida have decided to follow suit, with plans to begin re-opening some of their businesses as early as this Friday. The president communicated these new guidelines while on a phone conference amongst all state governors letting each governor know they will be “calling the shots” on when to re-open.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, announced his plans to re open nail salons, fitness centers, hair salons, bowling alleys, tattoo shops and some other businesses as soon as April 24th. Additionally movie theaters and restaurants will begin re-opening as early as Monday, April 27th. The governors of South Carolina and Tennessee also announced their plans to begin re-openings as early as next week. While there are mixed emotions surrounding state re-openings it is important to remain united in our efforts and do our best to remain safe. All states plan to continue to practice safe social distancing guidelines. Kemp also announced that his order for the medically fragile to shelter in place will remain in place through May 13th.

Practicing Safety

Some common practices to follow to help you continue to stay safe amongst  your state re-openings include;

  • Maintain 6 feet distance between individuals
  • Do not gather in groups when possible
  • Avoid Crowded areas
  • Wash hands often
  • Cover your mouth
  • Wipe down all surfaces

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