Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a very strong antioxidant that can help strengthen your body and Antioxidants are molecules that boost and keep you immune system healthy. Studies show that consuming more vitamin C can improve your antioxidant blood levels as well as help the body fight against inflammation. Additionally, scientists and researchers at the University of Iowa confirm that higher doses of vitamin C could potentially fight off cancer cells, without causing harm to other cells in the body. Previously, many scientists have debated back and fourth about the effectiveness of vitamin C in combatting cancer cells.

Numerous Studies

A series of studies were conducted, one of which involved the injecting of mice with high doses of vitamin C. The findings of this study revealed that, the vitamin C was found to stop leukemia cancer stem cells growth from progressing. This study was then applied to traditional chemotherapy in combination with other drugs typically given to extend the life of cancer patient. The results were an extensions of life within patients between 6 to 12 months. Additionally so, doctors have observed that these high doses of vitamin C have shown to cause no harm to other healthy cells. This has been displayed in patients with ovarian cancer who have received high doses of vitamin C with harm to only those cancerous cells.

Aside from these findings, vitamin C has numerous other health benefits such as its ability to help regulate blood pressure, protect against heart disease, as well as lower your risk for developing other diseases. Vitamin C can also help improve iron deficiencies as well as aide your white blood cells to function better. There’s even more as Vitamin C can also help improve your memory and the way you think as you age! Overall, vitamin C is a great way to boost your antioxidant levels and immune system.  Consuming enough vitamin C is also a great way to reduce blood pressure levels, risks of heart disease, and risks of dementia.

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