Mostly everyone loves Fridays, as they tend to signal the end of the work week and the beginning of some weekend fun ,after all that’s where the saying TGIF comes into play. But for some seniors, the beginning of the weekend can be a increasingly lonely time especially for those who feel isolated at home while others are out and about enjoying yet another weekend. If this sounds at all like you and you find the weekends to be lonely and mundane, I would encourage you to visit your city’s community page and take back your Fridays.

Most cities have their own webpage which will feature weekend events specifically for seniors. Additionally, most will also offer a senior membership club you can join in order to meet other seniors near you. The city of Alpharetta for example, features a senior events calendar jam packed with activities such as tubing, parades, ice cream, bingo, movie days, and much more! Seniors can also enroll in their golden age club for more events, updates, and social opportunities available to them.

Keep in mind, these calendars and programs are updated monthly and always offer fun pastimes for seniors. Friday also happens to be a common free or half priced day for seniors at most businesses, varying for art workshops, movie theaters, museums, and even yoga studios! Aging can be a rather interesting process however, it doesn’t have to stop you from enjoying your weekends the way you once did. If anything, the weekends as you approach your senior life are still an opportunity to have fun maybe even without having to go into work on Monday. So head to your cities local website and make some fun Friday plans today!

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