The Aging Body

As we age we become even more at risk for developing minor to severe health issues. Even those who follow a healthy regimen of eating right, exercising daily, and taking care of themselves can sometimes run into health challenges. Sometimes we get older and our bodies begin to drastically change as well as run into unexpected health issues.  Many of us will wonder why is that? While some of these changes may be inevitable, hereditary, or circustancial, there are a couple of other factor we can look at.

Immune system

One of the most common challenges of declining health with age is due to the fact that your immune system is also getting older and as a result not as strong as it once was. During these times you become more susceptible to coming down with the flu, cold, and other common illnesses. Aside from this it may take longer for your body to overcome  these illnesses and for symptoms to subside. Common illnesses like the flu are also more likely to progress into more serious illnesses such as pneumonia and bronchitis in the elderly. You are most at risk for this occurrence if you are over the age of 60. It’s important to maintain your annual flu shot to protect your body from these conditions as they can even lead to heart disease and sepsis.

Weight Fluctuation

Another common challenge we face with age is the issue of increased weight gain. In addition to this, we begin to see a steady loss in muscle mass. Due to this muscle loss simple movements and exercises can become increasingly difficult thus, limiting mobility. This often means that almost suddenly, the same activities and diet you held at a younger age can now become not enough or too much on the body. This can lead to becoming overweight which can snowball into conditions such as heart disease, high blood pressure, stroke, and diabetes. To top it off losing that extra weight also becomes a much slower process the older you get. Due to the fat that it can become easier to gain weight and harder to lose it, it’s important to maintain a healthy lifestyle.  You should aim to incorporate exercise into your daily routine as much as possible.

Bone Density

As you you may have guessed, just as your muscles begin to deteriorate your bones can also begin to follow. Weakening bones can also result in more life altering injuries as falls can become fatal. It’s important to keep your bones strong and healthy through the use of nutrients and minerals. You can start by ensuring you are consuming plenty of fruits and vegetables, doing workouts that use your body weight such as walking or squats, and trying not to smoke while also limiting your alcohol intake. Cancers can also become present at this stage in life as your chances for developing cancer doubles after age 50. This is why it is extremely important to take care of yourself even more than ever as you age. There are plenty of ways that you can do your part. Workout daily, cut back on red meat, quit smoking, and maintain a healthy weight for yourself.

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