Perhaps, you are approaching an age where you are not yet ready to fully retire however, are in fact ready to retire from your professional career. You are not alone in this, as a recent study found that 40% of adults 65 and over are currently employed in part-time work. You may choose to hold a part time job post retirement from your professional career for varying reasons such as extra cash,  to avoid boredom, or  to pursue a hobby you’ve always wanted to try. Whatever the reason may be, part time work is a great way to break free from your typical demanding 9-5 schedule while still earning some extra cash. Part time hours are usually very flexible and will usually allow for plenty of personal time and travel. If you are in the midst of retiring from you professional career and are considering some sort of part-time work, consider below the top five most popular professions for retirees.


This job is great for retired teachers as it requires an educational background without the demanding hourly commitment of a full time teacher. Tutors can select who they wish to tutor and what times work best for them although keep in mind tutoring typically occurs after school hours. The average median pay for a tutor is about 18/hr

2. Pet sitter/ Dog Walker

The average household now has about at least one pet and these pets require some sort of care throughout the 9-5 workday. A pet sitter or dog walker would be great part-time work for those individuals who love animals. Dog walkers are usually needed for an hour or so between the hours of 9-5 allowing for plenty of personal time. The average pay for a dog walker is $14/hr.

3. Tax preparer

Tax preparer usually experience busy times only during peak times of the year such as tax season, however the work lightens up after tax season is concluded. This profession would be great for those with a strong accounting background. The average median pay for a tutor is about 13/hr


Retail stores will typically employ various employees, allowing for lighter hours and shifts between various employees. Retail hours can be fairly flexible and you can always elect to work at your favorite store for employee perks and discounts. Average pay $11/hr

5. Driver

If you are a fairly good driver and know your way around town you may consider becoming a part-time driver which essentially allows you to make your own schedule and work as you please. Companies such as Uber and Lyft make it easy for you to offer driving services. Rates for drivers are also pretty great.

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