Underwriting process

If you are on the market for long-term care insurance than chances are you have come across a variety of insurers which feature a medical underwriting exam as part of their approval process. This means that your personal medical history will be taken into account before being denied,approved, and assigned coverage or a premium. Long-term care insurance was designed to help you shoulder the steep costs of long-term care and there are a variety of long-term care benefits within each individual policy. Most traditional long-term care insurance plans feature a medical underwriting exams which communicates to insurers their risk to insure you. In plain terms the healthier you are the less likely you are to use your long-term care policy thus, the less risky you are deemed in the eyes of insurers. Positive health will often correlate with approval for your policy as well as a lower premium. However, if you do have less than perfect health approval and a reasonable premium is still a strong possibility.

Preparing for this exam

Each company many conduct their medical underwriting process differently however the goal of all is to collect adequate information on your personal health history in order to approve,deny, or assign coverage. This process can typically involve some visits to the doctor and or phone interview conducted by nurses. Unlike other exams this is not one you need to study for you simply have to be truthful and the rest is quite easy. Of course placing a long time priority on your health may give you the upper hand on this kind of exam. When preparing for their medical underwriting exam some individuals can feel anxious therefore, it can be helpful to know which kinds of questions they may ask you. These questions typically feature questions surrounding your health background such as family history, smoking, major surgeries, medications, complications, and more. Your application may be a little more specialized to if you suffer from a chronic condition such as diabetes.  Some common questions asked regarding diabetes can be found below:


Other actions you can take to best prepare for your exam after applying are:

  •  Compile valid contact info such as; name, address, and phone numbers for all your doctors
  • Compile physician documents which outline all treatments, and any follow-up reports
  •  Compile list of all medications and prescription dosages
  • Do not forgo any doctors appointments near your application period

If you or someone you love is interested in Long Term Care Insurance be sure to visit: LTC TREE for more information.