Routine Screenings

Health screenings are important for people of any age but can be especially crucial for the aging individual. Starting as early as age 4o, you should attend regular annual health screenings as recommended by your physician. These tests will help screen for any potential irregularities and other potential risk factors. Early detection can be the difference between an increased quality of life or deteriorating health. Even so and according to the Alzheimer’s Association’s report on seniors and regular screening for cognitive issues, only a mere 16% of seniors attended their routine screenings. When its comes to a degenerative disease like Alzheimer’s early detection can be crucial in your care and future planning. Knowing what is to come can help you prepare and plan for all associated costs.

Plan Ahead

Various professionals confirm that cognitive screenings are highly important and should be a top priority for all seniors. However, the majority of seniors will not get tested unless they feel they are experiencing severe symptoms. If more seniors were to regularly attend their suggested screenings it might change their life. Some less severe symptoms and signs of cognitive decline to look for  can be depression, trouble sleeping, or hormone related issues. When doctors are able to detect early signs and symptoms of cognitive decline, it is easier to help manage and prepare for your Alzheimer’s care. Early detection allows you more time to financially plan as well as more time to plan out your life and future care in terms of long term care. If you are aware of this disease before its deep progression you can better plan to live out your life and incorporate your family as well.

Millions Affected

Alzheimer’s affects over 5 million individuals every year. A large portion of those millions are under the age of 65. Plan ahead and attend your annual health screenings to ensure that you are in the know and can properly prepare your future course of action.

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