LTC QuoteWiz™ Final Steps

LTC QuoteWiz™ Final Steps

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Almost Done.
This optional step allows you to specify some of the options for your Long Term Care Insurance quote.

LTC QuoteWiz™ Benefit Selections

Daily Coverage
Long-Term Care Insurance policies pay a daily amount towards home care, assisted living, or nursing home. Home care is the most common claim, with 75% of claims starting at home.
View real-time updates at our Cost of Coverage Map.
Plan Duration
Average claim: 2.9 years .
Assuming you don’t have a crystal ball, you don’t know how long you’ll need Long Term Care for. The chance of needing Long Term Care is 1 in 2, but the chance of needing it for over five years is much smaller. Like any insurance, you may buy this and never use it, so finding a balance is key.
Return of Premium
Add this option and you’ll be able to leave your beneficiary the total sum of all of your premiums paid, less any claims you’ve made. If the thought of buying this and never using it bothers you, guarantee a return of funds with Return of Premium.
Home Health Care on Day 1
Coverage for care at home is available with no waiting period. This 10-15% extra option is the most popular add-on rider.
Shared Coverage
Women make longer claims than men, on average. Hedge your risk with your spouse by adding a Shared Care rider to your policy.
Inflation Protection
If you're buying this thinking of using in the future, include inflation protection.