long term care texas

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  • Long Term Care in Texas

Long Term Care in Texas

By |August 9, 2013|Categories: States|Tags: |

Texas holds the title as the 2nd most populous state in the United States and the 2nd largest state, behind only Alaska. Known for its warm weather and extensive deserts, Texas often experiences some devastating weather patterns like thunderstorms, tornados, and hurricanes. Texas is home to a quickly growing senior population and the number of Texans with Alzheimer’s is expected to triple in the next 35 years, making long term care planning a priority for Boomers across Texas.

[youtube height=”300″ width=”450″]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QJOrlSVxm5M[/youtube]

Texas created a Long Term Care Insurance Partnership Program in 2009 to encourage residents to begin financially planning for their[…]

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