alzheimer’s diagnosis

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  • Sniffing Peanut Butter

Can Sniffing Peanut Butter Confirm An Alzheimer’s Diagnosis?

By |October 9, 2013|Categories: Breaking News, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , |

It turns out the key to detecting Alzheimer’s might have been sitting in your pantry all along. According to a new study, peanut butter may be a method to confirm a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease.

Detecting Odors

Researchers at the University of Florida recently developed a test that involves individuals sniffing peanut butter in order to determine whether or not a person has early-stage Alzheimer’s. The test relies on the olfactory senses, or the sense of smell, one of the first abilities to diminish when cognitive decline begins to take effect.

The test was relatively simple in execution. Patients were seated with[…]

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