
  • Blood Pressure

Ways to Naturally Lower Your Blood Pressure

By |April 2, 2014|Categories: Advice, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , |

High blood pressure is a risk factor for a number of serious medical conditions, including heart disease and stroke. Nearly 1/3 of all American adults currently have high blood pressure. Studies have shown that some simple lifestyle changes can help prevent high blood pressure and even lower blood pressure.

Lower Your Blood Pressure

The main risk factors of high blood pressure or hypertension include being overweight or obese, excess sodium in the diet, too little potassium in the diet, little to no exercise, excess alcohol intake, and stress.

Recent research found that a plant-based diet is one extremely effective way to lower[…]

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  • Nursing Home

Nursing Home Rankings for 2014 Released

By |March 4, 2014|Categories: Advice, Breaking News, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , |

A new resource to help consumers choose a nursing home for long term care was released recently.

Best Nursing Homes 2014

US News & World Report published its Best Nursing Homes 2014. The resource lists the top ranked nursing homes in every state across the nation and includes nearly 16,000 facilities. The rankings can be searched by state and zip code and even include close to 100 of the country’s major metropolitan areas.

A new version of the rankings is released annually and 2014 is the 6th year in a row the resource has been published. In[…]

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  • Increase Brain Size

Regular Walks Can Increase Brain Size, Study Says

By |February 19, 2014|Categories: Advice, Breaking News, Psychology, Retirement Planning, Uncategorized|Tags: , , |

Taking time out of your day for a walk has numerous benefits – preventing obesity, minimizing depression symptoms, and lowering blood pressure are just a few. New research says that regular walks may also help increase brain size and thereby, decrease the amount of aging in the brain.

Walking and Brain Size

The prevalence of Alzheimer’s and other cognitive diseases is growing rapidly. At a time when the number of Alzheimer’s patients is expected to triple by 2050, it is crucial to understand different ways to help improve our brain function and reduce the risk of these diseases.

Researcher Dr. Kirk Erickson[…]

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  • Brain Aging

Low Levels of Omega-3 Fatty Acids Linked to Brain Aging

By |January 26, 2014|Categories: Advice, Breaking News, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , |

Foods high in omega-3 fatty acids have long been praised as food vital to brain functioning. A new study found more evidence that points to the importance of omega-3 fatty acids in helping maintain brain health.


Researchers analyzed data from a recent study called the Women’s omega-3 fatty acidsHealth Initiative Memory Study to determine the effect that consumption of omega-3 fatty acids has on the brain. They compared health records of 1,111 women who were an age of 70 years old and had no signs of dementia at the start of[…]

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  • Long Term Care Insurance Rate

Why Switching Policies After a Long Term Care Insurance Rate Increase Isn’t a Smart Choice

By |January 15, 2014|Categories: Advice, Buying Tips, Insurance Industry, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , |

If you are among the adult Americans who own a long term care policy, then chances are you have received notice of a long term care insurance rate increase sometime in the past few years. Like many others, you might be wondering if it’s even worth it to keep your same policy or if you should switch to a new carrier. A recent experience with a client provided a great example of just why you should stop and do your research before dropping your long term care insurance policy.

Comparing the Costs

Stephen and his wife live in New Jersey and after[…]

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  • Retirement Resolutions

Retirement Resolutions for 2014

By |December 30, 2013|Categories: Advice, Buying Tips, Insurance Industry, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , |

Surveys continue to show that Americans simply aren’t prepared for retirement. We don’t have enough saved and most of us aren’t even sure just how much we should be saving. This presents a real problem, especially as the huge population of Baby Boomers is on the verge of retirement.

As you ring in the New Year, consider whether or not it’s time to include retirement planning on your list of resolutions. If you’re older than 50, the answer is a resounding yes. In truth, though, it’s never too early to start planning for retirement. So, whether you are 25 or 50,[…]

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