
  • Meatless Monday

Meatless Monday: How One Day Makes a Difference

By |June 10, 2013|Categories: Advice, Psychology|Tags: , , , , , , |

Meatless Monday is a movement across the nation that encourages people to cut out meat from their diet for just one day a week. Meatless Monday aims to improve your health through your diet – give it a try!

Why Meatless?

Meatless Monday is a non-profit initiative of The Monday Campaigns who, in association with the Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health, wants “to help you reduce your meat consumption by 15% in order to improve your personal health and the health of the planet”.

Meat production has a huge impact on our environment because of the high amount of resources that animals[…]

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  • Exercise

Avoid These 3 Diseases Through Exercise

By |May 30, 2013|Categories: Advice, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Exercise is good for you. There is no doubt about that. Exercising regularly is even better for you. According to the CDC, only 30.7% of American adults engage in physical activity frequent enough to be considered a “regular” activity.

Some other important numbers in terms of health in the United States include the 10% of American adults who are depressed and 35% of American adults who are obese. Adding more exercise to your daily routine can help you avoid joining those statistics and keep your body strong and healthy!

avoid disease exerciseDepression

The link[…]

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  • Stay Active at Work

4 Easy Ways to Stay Active at Work

By |May 21, 2013|Categories: Advice, Insurance Industry, Psychology, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , , , |

Americans seem to be more and more over-scheduled every year. stay active at work

We cram our calendars full of work and then wonder why we continue to gain so much weight. It isn’t difficult to see the causes, if you pause and take a look. With sedentary lifestyle on the increase and manual labor jobs on the decrease, Americans are moving less each day. Fewer people stay active at work, and life at home isn’t full of physical activity, either. Many people get home from a desk job only to sit down and watch television.[…]

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  • Stay Healthy

5 Tips to Stay Healthy and Avoid Using Your Long Term Care Insurance Policy

By |May 13, 2013|Categories: Advice, Insurance Industry, Retirement Planning|Tags: , , , , , |

You did your research. You compared rates. You purchased a policy. You officially have Long Term Care Insurance. Congratulations on making a sensible investment that protects your health and your assets.

Now what?

Like any insurance policy, the hope is you will never have to use it. Protecting your house from a flood or your car from a wreck may be difficult, but protecting your body from disease is a lot easier than you think!

Follow these steps to stay healthy in your senior years and avoid using that Long Term Care Insurance policy:

1) Get moving

Even a small amount of daily exercise[…]

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